After the success of Buy a Postcard, Pay It Forward, a fundraising project of Beyond Art’s Sake where photographers volunteered to have their favorite photos printed into postcards and sold to benefit Tsinelas Association, Inc. comes Buy a Christmas Card, Pay It Forward. This time, digital photographers and graphic artists are encouraged to share their photos and artworks in digital format to be printed into Christmas cards. Proceeds from the sale of the Christmas cards will be given to two non-profit organizations that help promote children’s rights to quality education and social justice: Tsinelas Association and Children’s Legal Bureau. This project also serves as a good venue for photographers and graphic artists to showcase their talent.

Project Proponent: Beyond Art’s Sake
Beneficiaries: Children’s Legal Bureau, Inc. and Tsinelas Association Inc.
1. Any interested digital photographer and graphic artist is welcome to join.
2. Only one entry is allowed per artist.
3. Photographers and graphic artists should work around the theme: “Peace.Hope.Love.Children.Christmas.”
4. Entries should be in digital format, not lesser than A5 1748x2480 300dpi.
5. Entries will be posted in Beyond Art’s Sake Facebook page, album title: Buy a Christmas Card, Pay It Forward. Please add Beyond Art’s Sake in your Facebook page.
6. There will be two categories: Photography and Graphic Arts – all digital.
7. Beyond Art’s Sake will choose only twelve (12) digital photos/artworks based on the number of “Like” they will incur. Six (6) entries will be chosen for photography and six (6) for digital graphic art.
8. The digital photos/artworks with the most number of “Like” will be printed on Christmas Cards and sold in various establishments in Cebu City. Proceeds will go to Tsinelas Association and Children’s Legal Bureau, two non-profit organizations that promote children’s rights.
9. The photographers and graphic artists who will submit entries shall retain ownership of their photos/artworks.
10. Submit your entries to . Please include the following:
Subject: Buy a Postcard, Pay It Forward Entry11. The top twelve entry contributors will receive tokens from the organizers.
Name of Artist
Short description of your entry by completing this: “Christmas is…”
Webpage (or website where you post your photos/artworks)
12. Entries should be submitted on or before November 14, 2010. All entries will be uploaded at the same time on November 15, 2010. Voting will begin on November 15 - 20, 2010.
If you have further queries, please email us at , leave a comment or text 09167970140.